General Election: November 5, 2024
This main page provides an overview of the 2024 election. Federal, State, and Local candidate information is on separate web pages under the 2024 election main page.
The Democratic primary election ballot will include races where the number of candidates equals the number of candidates you can vote for + 1, with the exceptions mentioned below in the General Election section. For example, if we can vote for 3 county commissioner candidates and only 3 people are running, there is NO primary.
The local municipal candidates, the Soil and Water Conservation Supervisors, Unaffiliated candidates requiring petition signatures for partisan contests, and write-in candidates will be on the November ballot. If the number of candidates you can vote for equals the number of candidates there are, then the election will be in November only.
The Democratic primary election ballot will include races where the number of candidates equals the number of candidates you can vote for + 1, with the exceptions mentioned below in the General Election section. For example, if we can vote for 3 county commissioner candidates and only 3 people are running, there is NO primary.
The local municipal candidates, the Soil and Water Conservation Supervisors, Unaffiliated candidates requiring petition signatures for partisan contests, and write-in candidates will be on the November ballot. If the number of candidates you can vote for equals the number of candidates there are, then the election will be in November only.
2024 General Election Sample Ballots
September 6, 2024- Note: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will be removed from the ballot per his request as of latest court ruling. The NC State Board of Elections has appealed the ruling. Stay tuned.
There are 12 ballots this year due to Polk County being split into two congressional districts (see below), and people who live within the city/town limits of Columbus, Saluda, and Tryon have municipal candidates on their ballots. [Coopers Gap, Saluda (outside the city limits, and White Oak that are in congressional district 11 have the same ballot. Green Creek, Columbus - 1 and -2 outside the town limits, and Tryon outside the town limits have the same ballot. Confusing? That is why there are 12 ballots to be sure you get the right one! ]
If you are not sure which ballot you should get look it up in the NC State Board of Elections voter lookup tool- . You can confirm your precinct and link to your sample ballot there or below.
If you are not sure which ballot you should get look it up in the NC State Board of Elections voter lookup tool- . You can confirm your precinct and link to your sample ballot there or below.
Coopers Gap |
Value |
Columbus 1 |
Outside Town Limits |
Columbus 1 |
Inside Town Limits |
Columbus 2 |
Outside Town Limits |
Columbus 2 |
Inside Town Limits |
Green Creek |
Saluda |
Outside City Limits |
Saldua |
Inside City Limits |
Tryon |
Outside City Limits |
Tryon |
Inside City Limits |
White Oak |
Congressional District 11 |
White Oak |
Congressional District 14 |
Overview- North Carolina Elections
When information is available, Vote411 will be an excellent place to get more information about the candidates. Enter your address and find information about the candidates, including responses to questions asked by the League of Women Voters.
*President of the United States
U.S. House of Representatives
District 11- Saluda, Coopers Gap, part of White Oak
District 14- Columbus-1, Columbus-2, Green Creek, Tryon, part of White Oak
U.S. House of Representatives
District 11- Saluda, Coopers Gap, part of White Oak
District 14- Columbus-1, Columbus-2, Green Creek, Tryon, part of White Oak
Background: New Congressional Districts
On October 25, 2023, the NC General Assembly (NCGA) passed the SB 757 congressional redistricting bill that significantly gerrymanders the 14 NC districts in the Republicans favor. Due to previous U.S. and NC Supreme Court decisions there will be no judicial review unless there is litigation related to racial gerrymandering.
Polk County is divided between 2 districts: District 11 (Coopers Gap, Saluda, and part of White Oak) and District 14 (Columbus 1, Columbus 2, Green Creek, Tryon, and part of White Oak). White Oak is subdivided by census blocks (smallest geographical unit that the Census reports out data). The census blocks are listed in the legislation.
Polk County is divided between 2 districts: District 11 (Coopers Gap, Saluda, and part of White Oak) and District 14 (Columbus 1, Columbus 2, Green Creek, Tryon, and part of White Oak). White Oak is subdivided by census blocks (smallest geographical unit that the Census reports out data). The census blocks are listed in the legislation.
Here is the Polk County congressional district split up close.
You can check your congressional voting district in the NC State Board of Elections voter search tool. |
North Carolina
*Lt. Governor *Attorney General Secretary of State Auditor |
*Superintendent of Public Instruction Labor Commissioner *Insurance Commissioner Agriculture Commissioner |
NC State Senate (District 48) NC State Representative (District 113)
*NC Supreme Court 1 Associate Justice Position (Allison Riggs) Note: Justice Riggs was appointed as current Associate Justice when Michael Morgan (D) stepped down to run for governor.
NC Court of Appeals 3 Justice positions (Incumbents are 1 Dem, 2 Rep)
NC District Court- 4 seats (all incumbents are Republicans)
Background: New NC House & Senate Districts
On October 25, 2023 a new state house congressional map (HB 898) and state senate map (SB 758) was passed into law. Polk County stays in the same districts.
Local Elections
Polk County
3 Polk County Commissioners (Overholt, Beiler, Yoder positions), 4-year terms, partisan
1 Register of Deeds
1 Soil and Water conservation supervisor
3 Polk County Commissioners (Overholt, Beiler, Yoder positions), 4-year terms, partisan
1 Register of Deeds
1 Soil and Water conservation supervisor
School Board
The following 3 positions are up for election (current board member):
Tryon (Rick Covil)
White Oak (Lucinda Allen)
Saluda (Rob Parsons)
The following 3 positions are up for election (current board member):
Tryon (Rick Covil)
White Oak (Lucinda Allen)
Saluda (Rob Parsons)
In 2024, the School Board Elections will be partisan (this is a change).
All Polk County residents vote for each of these three school board positions.
All Polk County residents vote for each of these three school board positions.
Municipal Elections
All are non-partisan- ELECTION IS IN NOVEMBER! (no Primary)
Party Headquarters |