There's a lot you can do!
Subscribe to our Email Newsletter
Our Third Vice Chair sends out email newsletters with news, upcoming events, action alerts, and other information about what we're doing and how you can be involved. Almost everything the party does will show up in the newsletter, so if you're not receiving it yet, just subscribe by clicking on the "Subscribe to Newsletter" button at the bottom of each page.
Our Third Vice Chair sends out email newsletters with news, upcoming events, action alerts, and other information about what we're doing and how you can be involved. Almost everything the party does will show up in the newsletter, so if you're not receiving it yet, just subscribe by clicking on the "Subscribe to Newsletter" button at the bottom of each page.
Join the Democratic Women of Polk County (men are welcome too!)
There is a nominal membership fee of $10 per year to join (cash, check or click on button below). Membership supports the activities of the group and allows you to a vote. Nonmembers are encouraged to attend meetings and events.
Email our Women's Club President to get into the action. Look for announcements of events in our newsletters and on this website. |
![]() The Democratic Women's Club meets the last Monday of every month from 6:30pm - 7:30pm at party HQ. A meal is served. Come check it out!
There are activities planned every month that collectively provide you with opportunities for fellowship, civic engagement, and hearing interesting guest speakers. Check out the website calendar for upcoming events. |
Give to the cause
Everyone knows that it costs money to run a campaign, but we don't always think about how much it costs to run a local party. When you donate to your local Democratic Party, you know your contribution will help candidates and causes that are important to us right here in western North Carolina. In 2022 we are making a major push to get our message out in new ways. We will be printing and mailing sample ballots, postcards and candidate brochures to voters and training our many new volunteers. We were able to get 1000 additional Polk Democrats out to vote with our 2018 midterm Voter 2 Voter program! We must do that again! Every little bit helps. Please donate today. |

Sometimes the best way to take action is to march, demonstrate, or protest for or against something that we feel strongly about. Whether it's rallying in support of immigrants in Hendersonville, standing up for climate justice in Asheville, or taking part in the Women's March in Washington, DC, you can do it with the support of fellow Polk NC Dems.
Attend Party events
We host candidate forums, debate watch parties, holiday events, rallies, and occasional VIP dinners. These events are fun and educational, and they allow us to spend time with like-minded Democrats.
Show up at meetings
All of our meetings are open to everyone, and we promise you a warm welcome. You can help us plan our strategies and activities. Check the Calendar page for all upcoming meetings and events.
We're always doing something - but especially during election season. You can do as much or as little as you like. Register voters. Get involved with your precinct. Go door-to-door talking to voters. Make phone calls or send text messages. Staff the party booth at the 4th of July event. There is much to do, and it is important. We need you! Contact us at [email protected] to express your interest.
Party Headquarters |